With Rejoicing And Singing (2 Chronicles 23:18)


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Psalms 28; 29

2 Chronicles 23:18-24:14

Galatians 3:27-4:7

Observance: Benedict of Nursia, abbot (d. 550)

With Rejoicing And Singing (2 Chronicles 23:18)

The thing about reading the Bible, that makes it so different from reading any other book, is how it speaks right into the human soul. One could read a book of facts, and feel quite smart for doing so. Another could read an adventure story, and feel thrilled. But reading holy scripture takes the soul out of complacency and turns the lights on; it makes us both think and feel, and do both of those things at a higher level.

When we did our study through Leviticus, I wonder what thoughts popped up as you read through it? Or what feelings emerged? Because for much of that book, it deals with specific actions one was to take in order to participate in a sacrificial system that no longer even exists. Other parts seem to make up a sort of “common law” system of rules that might help a magistrate judge in civil matters. In the few narrative sections, there is usually some breaking of the law that ends up in a sticky death for everyone involved.

David read through those words, and it got him thinking. It also got him feeling. And his response we read explicitly here today: “to present the burnt offerings of the Lord as written in the Law of Moses, with rejoicing and singing, as David had ordered.” King David, a man after God’s own heart, decided to add to the law; that the temple was to be filled with music.

When you read through something like the letter of St Paul to the Galatians, it can be easy to sink into the pit of despair over the fact it is all lengthy run-on sentences filled with dense dogmatic and theological statements. That’s just how he wrote. But God wants us to take these words and sit back and think and feel on them. Perhaps even today’s short snippet isn’t short enough, perhaps you might like to take a single sentence, or a part of a sentence. But sit back with God, and think and, more importantly, feel on those words. Where do your thoughts go? What feelings come up?

Lord of my rejoicing, grant me your peace so that I may see into the depths of these words you have given me.


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