The Pitch-Dark Day of the Lord (Amos 5:20)


Monday, July 22, 2024

Psalm 51

Amos 5:18-6:7

Romans 1:26-32

Observance: Mary Magdalene

The Pitch-Dark Day of the Lord (Amos 5:20)

So we have our trowel in hand, building the cathedral of kingdom of heaven on earth. God is giving us directions on how to do this: where the wall should be built, and what it should be made of. But what happens when it is finished? What is the end result of our labours?

There is a Day coming. We read about it all through the Old Testament and the New. For the people to whom Amos was prophesying in the northern kingdom of Israel, that day came pretty suddenly when the Assyrians invaded. Those in Judah to the south saw it happen to themselves later with the Babylonians. But Biblical prophesy always seems to speak about more than one event, and so we can also read into this about the final Day, when Christ “will come again to judge the quick and the dead”.

So there is a Day coming, and Amos challenges those who are looking forward to it. He talks about how it will instead be a day of darkness, not light. A day where things just go from bad to worse.

This coming Day will be like that to those who ignore what is going on around them. Who ignore their neighbours, while they lie on their expensive beds eating expensive food. Instead, says God, “let justice roll like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” To those who love God, who let the water of righteousness flow out in their lives and the lives of those around them, the Day of the Lord will instead be truly wonderful.

Jesus describes himself as the water of life. And in him we find the righteousness of God. When we Christians speak of justice, we don’t need to put any words in front of it. Anything we do that brings us closer to Jesus, and shows the face of Jesus to those around us, is the type of justice that pleases God. And when he returns on that glorious Day, will he see us having done our job in building his kingdom?

Lord of heaven and earth, lift our eyes and our hearts towards you, so that our hands may be busy in the work you have set for us.


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