Pursued With The Sword (Amos 1:11)


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Psalm 38

Amos 1:11-2:5

Galatians 5:16-26

Pursued With The Sword (Amos 1:11)

The title of our theme is “The Sword and the Trowel”, and today we get our first mention of a “sword”. But it is not a particularly pleasant use of the word. An unchecked, flaming fury; a continual, raging anger; a stifling of compassion; pursuing the brother with the sword.

When we speak of a sword, we have to be careful with how we are using it. And we have to know where to point it.

Jesus taught his disciples to sell their clothes in order to buy a sword; yet he also taught that anger against a brother was the same as committing murder.

So in this great project, of Christianity in our time, we have a trowel to build the church, and a sword to use for… what?

St Paul talks today in his letter to the Galatians about the desires of the Spirit and the desires of the sinful nature. They are opposed to each other; opposed not only in how we feel about them, but opposed in a raw, objective sense. We can pick any two from each list and see how wildly opposed to each other they are: take, for example, the sinful desire of hatred, and the Spirit’s fruit of love.

Which way, then, shall we point the sword? Hatred would point the sword against our brother. Love would point the sword against hatred itself. St Paul actually goes more graphic: he says that hatred, and the desires that lead to hatred, have been crucified.

How do you perceive your own personal struggle against sin? Where are you currently pointing your sword, and where might you point it instead?

Lord of Hosts, give me your Spirit, so that I may crucify hatred, and live eternally in love.


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