Known By God (Galatians 4:9)


Friday, July 12, 2024

Psalm 31

2 Chronicles 24:15-25:4

Galatians 4:8-20

Known By God (Galatians 4:9)

Personal relationships are tangled, messy things. There are different types: acquaintances; friends; comrades; professional; family; lovers – and each of these have their own degree of depth, preference and choice.

And we all have a relationship with God – even those who claim to “not believe”. Elsewhere in his letters, St Paul boldly asserts that there is no such thing as an athiest, and this claim is made elsewhere in the Old Testament, too. People’s relationship with God can be antagonistic, or cause for despair, or a mild annoyance. Or they could be an exciting relationship, or a peaceful one, or joyful, intimate, or not-quite-yet intimate.

In today’s second lesson, the apostle is making an application. He is saying that we have been set free from trying to have a healthy relationship with God on the basis of following certain rules and routines. To get to this point, he makes this curious turn of phrase: “Now that you know God – or rather are known by God”.

God knows everything and everyone. This is what it means to be God. But here specifically, to be known by God seems to mean something a bit more special than intellectual knowledge. In another letter, St Paul writes that “the one who loves God is known by God” (1 Corinthians 8:3). And in yet another, he tells us that God’s knowledge of us in this special way was predestined; a decision God made in eternity past (Romans 8:29). This is the same turn of phrase God uses when he called Jeremiah to be a prophet: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”. (Jeremiah 1:5)

St Paul is “perplexed” at the Galatians turning away from their freedom in Christ, because God had always decided to call them into his loving presence, before they had even been formed in the womb. His call to them in this letter is to remind them that they “are known by God”, which is an unbreakable promise of God to keep them close forever. This departure from their freedom in Christ that they are going through is but temporary. They “are known by God” – God will lead them into the Promised Land, and they will be numbered amongst the saints forever.

What doubts or struggles are you going through right now? How closely have you applied God’s promise to you personally, the promise to keep you in his close presence forever?

God of unbreakable promises, you knew me before I was born, and promise to keep me in your love forever. Keep the love of my Lord Jesus always before my soul, and save me from spiritual attack that would seek to do otherwise.


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