Judging For The Lord (2 Chronicles 19:6-7)


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Psalms 11; 12

2 Chronicles 18:28-19:11

Galatians 1:1-10

Judging For The Lord (2 Chronicles 19:6-7)

Making the right call is, for the Christian, a balancing act. On the one hand, we have “been called by the grace of Christ”, that is, freely forgiven, restored, resurrected, and rescued. But on the other hand, any message that does not confirm this grace is a curse upon the one who teaches it.

The free gift of grace; the curse of eternal condemnation. We can’t just sit back and say to ourselves, I have been saved by the free grace of God, therefore I cannot pass judgement on anyone else: because there might be someone who denies that free grace of God, and therefore worthy of the judgement of criticism. But the free grace we have means we still have to be circumspect.

When Jehoshaphat the king enacted his civil reforms and set up an official system of administering state justice, he had some heavy words for his magistrates. In matters of crime and disagreement between the civilian population, the judges were to remember that they were not judging for the people but for the Lord. Their judgement was to be in line with God; they were to pronounce judgement on behalf of God, and in God’s name.

Further to this, they were given the responsibility to warn the people not to sin against the Lord else the Lord’s wrath fall on them. To not judge would have been to sin!

In trying to make a judgement call, in whatever situation, we must always remember that God has not left us alone. We don’t need to try and be mind-readers to figure out what God wants. God has given us a book, as well as the Holy Spirit to explain this book to us.

Are there any matters of faith for you causing you confusion at this time? How might the lessons of the judges in the first reading, and of St Paul’s attitude in the second, inform your judgement-making process?

My God and Father, I praise you that it is your will that my Lord Jesus Christ has rescued me from this present evil age. Keep me full of the knowledge of the good things you freely give me, and the wisdom to turn away from any distractions.


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