But You Commanded… (Amos 2:12)


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Psalm 40

Amos 2:6-16

Galatians 6:1-10

But You Commanded… (Amos 2:12)

Today, as we bring out our sword and trowel to see what work needs to be done, we get a reading that is more of a trowel sort of reading. Amos is telling us how to build.

And in our building, we need to see how there is a connection between religion and morality; between faith and justice.

Israel is turning away from the religion that God has given them, and at the same time, has turned away from moral living. The loss of faith has resulted in a loss of justice.

We can see this today too, if you’re willing to look. Christian living is the branch upon which we are sitting, enjoying our rights and freedoms. But if we try to get rid of all the stuff about Jesus, then we end up chopping off the branch – and then where will we be!

As Reformed Christians, it can be easy to fall into the trap of claiming that because Jesus has fulfilled all the righteousness of the law of God, we shouldn’t try and put any effort in ourselves. That to try and live righteously is an attempt to get God’s favour on our own terms, without the faith in Jesus that is necessary. But this goes against the balance of the whole of scripture.

Certainly, to live righteously is difficult. But St Paul thinks we should still try. And he encourages us to do so in a way that is making sure we are helping each other live righteously: to “carry each other’s burdens”. Indeed, to live this way is to “fulfil the law of Christ”. The law of Christ is to live in a way that helps one another: this is the connection between religion and morality; between faith and justice.

Where do you see that your Christian faith can help the people around you?

Christ Jesus, help me bear the burdens of my fellow neighbours, so that we all may live into the abundant life you desire for us.


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