A Prophet of the Lord? (2 Chronicles 18:6)


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Psalms 5; 6

2 Chronicles 17:1-13; 18:1-8

Titus 2

A Prophet of the Lord? (2 Chronicles 18:6)

Thank God there are people willing to stand against the mob!

King Ahab, of the apostate northern kingdom, had surrounded himself with people who told him what he wanted to hear. If we ever find ourselves in the majority, we should be quick to turn to God to make sure we haven’t strayed from the narrow path into heaven. Sometimes the majority opinion is correct, and God will let us know, if we read his word and listen to his voice in prayer. But a majority opinion can also come about through deceit and ill-will, a result of rebellion against God. So we must always be asking the question, just to make sure.

This culture in the northern kingdom was so on-the-nose and obvious that when king Jehoshaphat came to visit he saw through it straight away. He starts on the right foot: he commands that God be asked what they should do. But when he is given the answer, he is suspect of the majority opinion, and wants to be sure that this message actually is from God.

His question is telling: is there not a prophet of the Lord that we can ask? He seems to be saying: we have gotten an opinion, but this opinion isn’t actually from God. Try again, everyone.

There is another prophet, he is told. This one is actually from God. But he never has anything good to say. And isn’t this so often the case? That there is a majority opinion that everyone is happy to go along with, but when someone comes along with the actual truth of God’s opinion, that person is seen as a killjoy?

As we will discover as we continue through this narrative over the coming days, it is far better to go with what God wants, even when it upsets everyone else. So thank God for people willing to speak against the mob, and thank God for earthly rulers who give them a voice!

O Lord, grant me the wisdom to discern whether a popular opinion is your opinion or not. And give me the strength to speak or listen to dissenting voices when they come from you.


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