Lacking In Nothing (James 1:4)


Monday, June 24, 2024

Psalms 130; 131; 133

2 Chronicles 10

James 1:1-18

Observance: Birth of John the Baptist

Lacking In Nothing (James 1:4)

St James is great for getting straight to the point. The other apostles begin their letters and can’t help but fill their introductions with doxologies and praise to God. But St James just says G’day and then gets stuck right in.

Because he knows that the people to whom he is writing are in trouble. The waves of various trials are washing over their heads; the people are drowning, and the apostle is throwing the rope to drag them into the lifeboat. He is standing out in the ocean with the flare and the loudspeaker, and we don’t have time to listen to a doctrinal assertion. We need help, now. Explain to us the reason why once we’ve come aboard and are recovering with a mug of hot chocolate.

The lifeline is this: trials produce endurance. Everything we go through is filled with opportunity for growth.

If you’ve ever tried to start a fitness regimen, you know the pain that accompanies it. The first week of running around the block is absolute misery. But then the second week is a little easier, and so it goes on and on until you can walk from the couch to the fridge without panting.

Enduring trials does the same thing to the soul of the Christian. God is running us through our paces, allowing things to come upon us so that we can get better and better at being his image-bearers. Note this important distinction: God allows temptations, but he does not send them. God cannot be tempted by evil and he himself tempts no one. Our own desires tempt us; and we are instructed to resist the temptation to laze on the couch instead of getting up and enduring the trial.

Once the trial has been endured, and the temptation has done its worst and we still stand, we receive this commendation: we are blessed. Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. This is why St James can confidently say that we should consider our various trials with all joy. God is giving us the opportunity to develop our endurance, and once endurance has completed its work, we will be complete and whole, lacking in nothing.

What trials are you going through at the moment? Where is the opportunity for growth and endurance?

God of generosity, give me your wisdom, so that I may see my trials as a chance to grow closer to you.


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