God’s Power Made Perfect


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Psalms 114; 115

2 Chronicles 8

2 Corinthians 12:6-13

God’s Power Made Perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9)

As we read through Chronicles, you may be feeling a faint sense of de ja vu. Don’t worry, this is completely natural. Chronicles, as a historical document, covers much of the same material as the books of Samuel and Kings. But Chronicles comes at this history a bit differently. Written much later than the rest of the Old Testament, Chronicles was written during the return of the exiles and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. It is intended to encourage the people, to remind them of God’s eternal promises. It is also an encouragement to faithful living, recounting the good times the country enjoyed when they loved God and obeyed him. Thus, much of the less admirable behaviour of David and Solomon is left out. Everyone can go and read about that in the other histories; that is not the purpose of Chronicles.

Chronicles also works as a helpful spiritual counter-balance to how we understand the way God works with us. A positive account of the life of Solomon has been blessed as holy scripture, in spite of his naughtiness – perhaps God would like us to look at our own positives, too.

Certainly St Paul wants to emphasise his positives. His intentions are good – he wants the church to make an honest judgement about who is teaching God’s truth. So he balances his boasting by pointing out that all his spiritual insight and accomplishments come from God – God’s power being made perfect in his own weakness.

Strong language, to be sure. But it is also the language of co-operation. God’s purpose is for his people to do good things: St Paul to be the amazing teacher, Solomon to be the wise king. Both men have positive life stories, through their dependence on God.

What amazing thing is God going to do through you today?

God of amazing things, keep my heart humble, so that I am always ready for the positive life story you have prepared for me.


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