A Million Men (2 Chronicles 14:9)


Friday, June 28, 2024

Psalms 143; 146

2 Chronicles 14

James 4

Observance: Iranaeus of Lyons, bishop and teacher (d. c. 200)

A Million Men (2 Chronicles 14:9)

Judging by the opening verses of this chapter, it seems like Asa was a pretty good king. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, ruled faithfully, and got rid of all the places where people worshipped goat-demons. “In his days the land was quiet”. That sounds like things going well, as they should be.

But then there is an invasion from the south. And we begin to appreciate the fact that the Bible gives us specific numbers of things like the troop count of armies. Asa had an army of 480 000, which sounds like a lot. Yet the invaders had over a million! No king before him ever had to face such an enormous army like Asa did.

Asa, knowing what his job was, stands on the field of battle and doesn’t give a rousing speech to the men. He hasn’t sent for help from Egypt or any other foreign power. Rather, as the king sitting on God’s throne, he cries out to God for help: “O Lord, you are our God; let no mortal prevail against you.”

If we do a really good job as a Christian, of praying and studying the Bible deeply and often, of doing works of charity out of a cheerful heart, of loving the Lord our God and loving our neighbours as ourselves, of walking closely in love and fear of our God, we get rewarded. Our reward is not a bundle of cash, or a big home, or a land in eternal quietness. Our reward is that God sends big enemies against us; a million-man invasion.

So when we come up against insurmountable odds, it is not in spite of how good a Christian we are, but rather because we are being good Christians. God sends bigger and bigger armies; tougher trials. This is so we can stand on the field of battle and cry out to God to win a bigger victory, and overcome even tougher trials.

What is the million-man army you are currently facing down? How is God going to show his saving power in this trial of yours?

O Lord, there is no difference for you between helping the mighty and the weak. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this multitude. O Lord, you are our God; let no mortal prevail against you.


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