A Foolish Thing (2 Chronicles 16:9)


Monday, July 1, 2024

Psalms 1; 2

2 Chronicles 16

Titus 1

Observance: Coming of the Light, first missionaries to the Torres Strait (1871)

A Foolish Thing (2 Chronicles 16:9)

I think we all hope that, as we get older, we also get wiser. The Biblical command is for the young to listen to the old, ideally so that the wisdom of years is passed on to the next generation. But is it possible that we might go the other way; that we might become foolish as we age?

King Asa had a turbulent experience in life. He had his ups and downs. His first major decision as king ended up upsetting the northern kingdom and throwing them into rebellion against them. But then he learnt from that mistake, and listened to and trusted in the Lord.

This listening and trusting held him in good stead when he was threatened with the enormous invasion of a million men, when the Lord won him a mighty victory against an army that outnumbered his own more than two to one.

But now in his latter years he seems to be changing his attitude. Another northern rebellion has popped up, and it would seem far less serious an issue than the first invasion, and compared to the Cushite invasion, a boring distraction. The Lord has done greater works against greater enemies. These guys should have been a pushover.

But Asa, for whatever reason, did not stick to what worked in the past; he did not keep to the wisdom he learned from practical experience. He looked for help by petty politicking and bribery instead of prayer. He became foolish.

The encouragement we find in this story is an encouragement to keep working on our own development into wisdom. Asa had done some wise things, and was rewarded with many years of peace. But something happened in those years making him foolish, and his life ended in ignominy. We can’t afford to sit on our laurels; the journey is still ongoing, and we have plenty more to learn.

What is your most recent spiritual victory? What is the next one that God is leading you towards? How will you keep your fire, your internal desire to grow further into God’s wisdom, burning?

Source of all wisdom, send me your Holy Spirit to encourage me to be always excited to learn from you.


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