Is a country born in one day?
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Psalms 11; 12
Isaiah 66:1-9
Ephesians 3:1-13
Is a country born in one day?
Many ingredients go into making a country. Most of them revolve around an abstract idea; a grand vision of purpose. That then feeds into a national culture, which is the practical application of that vision. There is also the need for some land (but if the land is currently occupied by another nation, that is not a problem that cannot be solved), and then a group of people to live on that land, sharing the vision of purpose, and expressing that vision in their culture.
This might sound like a big job, and it is. “Nation building” is a popular phrase amongst politicians and public servants, yet this building project seems to be a case of one step forwards followed by two steps backwards. Who ever heard of a nation brought forth all at once? Rome wasn’t built in a day.
But for God, nothing is impossible. The building of ancient Israel may have seemed to us to have taken God a very long time – Abraham did not see it, nor did his son Isaac, nor Jacob after them. Joseph then spent a lifetime in Egypt and didn’t leave that country until he was dust and bones. Moses got to see the Promised Land, but it was his successor Joshua who actually got to cross over the river. Yet it was in that first promise to Abraham that God laid the plans to build the nation that was to be known as the kingdom of heaven.
This shared vision of purpose, of a group of people, living in a certain land, celebrating a culture inspired by the one true and living God, was passed down through generations of Jews. Then one day, a man came along who claimed to be that one, true and living God. His name was Jesus, and He proved what He said about Himself by His actions. Then, one day, as He hung on a cross, He “breathed His last”. There was an earthquake, shattering walls. A curtain symbolising the wall between nations was torn. His blood was shed, and this blood heals the nations, forgiving all who will trust in its power. Rising on the third day, and then ascending into heaven forty days after that, Jesus confirmed the birth of this new nation. Jesus reigns as king, all nations are under His rule, and He is taking them over as ruler of the kingdom of heaven.
We are in that kingdom, that new nation, this glorious and wonderful place, filled with people who love Jesus, celebrating our love in a uniquely Christian cultural expression. When Jesus hung on the cross and cleansed a people for Himself, a nation was born in a day.
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