You also go and work in my vineyard.


Friday, November 3, 2023

Psalm 9

2 Kings 11:1-16

Matthew 20:1-16

Observance: Richard Hooker, priest and teacher (d. 1600)

You also go and work in my vineyard.

Look around, Christian, there is work to do!

Christ’s Holy Spirit is working through the body of believers all over the globe. At any point in time you will be able to find a place where the sun is shining and the workers are labouring.

Some workers were called from birth; others lived a worldly life before God called them into the kingdom. That is beside the point, however, because we are all working for the same reward.

No-one has beaten you to the job. There is plenty still to do. And besides, God made every single one of His elect to be a unique individual, so that we would have our own specific and special job to carry out.

Even now that you have been called by God, do you feel like you are standing around with nothing to do? The owner speaks to all of His workers personally, with the precious words: “You also go and work in my vineyard.”

Are we living at the start of the age of the kingdom? Are we somewhere in the middle? Is the end so close that we will be taken into Christ’s glory before the end of this sentence? That is not for you or me to worry about. The sun is shining, the kingdom is being built, there is work to do. You also go and work in the vineyard.


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