The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Psalm 69:1-16

2 Kings 23:31-24:9

Mark 2:1-17

Observance: Ember Day

The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.

When we affirm that Jesus is Lord, we throw off all restrictions on His authority. We say Christ is king of the movement of the galactic bodies, and that He rules over the weather. We say Jesus has the authority to lift up governments, and the authority to depose them. Jesus has claim over our behaviour, and, even more incredibly, He demands authority over our intimate desires.

Jesus’ rule over us and everything else is a good and loving rule. He is the Prince of Peace, and His message to His subjects is “Peace, be still.” His authority does not come because He makes us the best offer, however. The Lord of all is not running for election. His authority is an inherent, defining aspect of His character.

What is inherent to Jesus’ character – something that makes Jesus Jesus – is His authority to forgive sins.

Unforgiven sin is the most dreadful suffering one can endure. It sits and festers, like a diseased sore. The more we try and cure it ourselves, the worse it gets. We need a doctor to cure us; a saviour to forgive us.

Only Jesus can truly forgive us: the forgiveness Jesus offers is actual and complete. No-one else is able to do this, and this is why Jesus has the right to rule us – the right of love, of forgiveness, of mercy that endures forever.


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