Tell me your view concerning the Messiah.


Monday, November 13, 2023

Psalm 35:1-17

2 Kings 15:23-38

Matthew 22:34-46

Observance: Charles Simeon, priest, evangelical divine (d. 1836)

Tell me your view concerning the Messiah.

The Son of David has ridden into the holy city of Jerusalem. As the heir to the crown concerning His physical nature, Jesus is reclaiming the throne that was lost. The streets were thronged with the people supporting His rightful claim, singing songs of praise to the son of the greatest songwriter who ever lived. Nervous, the authorities set out to discredit the returned king – knowing that they themselves are merely stewards, they too must set aside their crowns and acknowledge King Jesus – yet they are too comfortable with their illegitimate power.

A human heir can easily be denied his birthright. Human history is littered with the wrong people getting into power through dark schemes. Yet this is no mere human the authorities are dealing with.

“Tell me your view concerning the Messiah: whose son is he?” asks Jesus. That is to say, do these people think that they are dealing with a human being just like them? Royal bloodlines are disrupted all the time: just look at our own situation, where we have a third king called Charles, yet with a different last name to his previous two namesakes.

“David’s” replies his opponents. If Jesus is merely the son of David and no-one else, then the bloodline dies with Jesus. Kings can be installed and removed at will. Anarchy will be legitimised. Humanity will have successfully cut themselves off from any influence God would have on them.

But the Messiah is no mere man. Even His father David called Him “Lord”. Jesus is much more than that – He is the Lord, the creator of heaven and earth, come in human flesh to die for the sins of His people. He will die, yes, but the outcome of His death will not result in the base political opportunism that His opponents believe it will be. The death of Jesus will result in the death of death, and through His resurrection He will draw His people to Himself, and send His enemies into the eternal abyss. It is no wonder that at this answer, no one dared to ask Him any more questions.


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