Jesus had compassion on them.


Saturday, November 4, 2023

Psalms 11; 12

2 Kings 11:17-12:8

Matthew 20:17-34

Observance: Day for Australian Anglicans and Roman Catholics to pray for one another (General Synod, 2001)

Jesus had compassion on them.

We conclude a rather lengthy section of Jesus’ teaching on humility with this story of the blind men. It was very important to Jesus that we know that “the first shall be last and the last shall be first”. This phrase may be worn with familiarity – even pagans recognise it, if not the One who said it – but it is a truly amazing teaching.

The first – the greatest, the most powerful, the strongest, the smartest – will be last in the kingdom of heaven. Instead, those who humble themselves like children will be those who enter the kingdom first.

But look at how this section ends: Jesus hears the blind men calling out, and stops. He is on His way to die on the cross. He is on the way to save the world. And still, He hears these people on the side of the road calling out for help. God hears everything; Jesus hears everything. Not even saving the world is more important than stopping on the way to help us.

Jesus then asks a question, and it is jaw-dropping to hear these words from God Almighty: “What do you want me to do for you?”

Asking for their sight, it was given to them, and they immediately got up and followed Jesus. This is not pride, which bars the gates of heaven. This is child-like humility; the boldness to ask God for something, knowing that we could never do it ourselves.

They have heard what Jesus has been saying about the Son of Man. They know Jesus is going to die. These men, who were blind and now see, get up and follow the One who healed them. Jesus is leading them to the cross; through that death, they will all see eternal life.


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