I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the LORD.


Friday, November 24, 2023

Psalms 56; 57

2 Kings 21:19-22:11

Mark 1:1-13

Observance: Ember Day

I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the LORD.

Josiah had a good example set for him. We read that he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord by following the ways of his father David. David of course wasn’t his immediate father; if we rendered it today we would describe David as Josiah’s forefather. But such is the power of generational blessings. Men who live today in the way of the Lord lay out the path for their far-off descendants to follow in. Mothers who raise their children with an eye on their great-grandchildren water the seed that grows into the mighty ancient tree. Soak this generation in prayers, because while we may be planting trees which we will never feel the shade of, that shade will come at just the right time. In Josiah’s case, David’s example gave Jerusalem a king they could finally be proud of, a king like one they hadn’t had for generations.

David’s example was all that Josiah had to go off. For all he knew, God was just like all the other pagan gods, speechless and restricted to a single nation. But then, during the much-needed spring clean of the temple, a Book was discovered. The Book of the Law: the first five books of our modern Bible.

Josiah heard that his God was not just one God amongst many. Josiah heard that his God was the ultimate Creator, the God of every nation. Then Josiah heard God speak: “let there be light”. The adventures of the patriarchs, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the rescue mission that God sent Moses on, the rules to live by in order to live abundantly and the promises if those rules were kept.

Josiah heard all this and tore his robes. God was so much bigger than he had thought. God was so more personal than he had thought. God was so much more specific than anyone had imagined.

This Bible, words written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, these words for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, is a priceless treasure. It proves God is personal, not an idea or a life force. Then it goes on to show that God has spoken propositionally, not with vague feelings we might confuse for last night’s curry.

In this new era, each individual believer’s body is a temple of the Lord. Is your copy of the Book lost, hidden behind some old curtains? Or do you bring it out every day to read to the people, bringing forth the breath of God in the word of God?


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