Do not do as they do.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Psalm 37:1-17

2 Kings 17:1-20

Matthew 23:16-28

Do not do as they do.

Long ago, God saw a people who suffered. Even though He had made them, blessed them, and called them good, the people turned away from God’s goodness, into a darkness of their own making. God’s love prevailed over this rebellion: hearing their cries from His throne in heaven, He sent a saviour to prophecy against their tormentor, and brought them out of that place of darkness.

Later, there was a river. This river blocked the way to the promised land. God went into that river, separated the water, and opened up a way for His people to pass through in safety.

Given new life in a new land, God spoke: Do not follow the way into darkness; remain in my light.

We Christians have been rescued from the clutches of Satan. We too have this God who is our Saviour. We have passed through the Jordan River in the waters of our baptism, through Jesus’ death, into His new life.

Now we live in the promised land, as people remade into that which we were designed to be: God’s authority and representatives on earth.

God has given us His Law, the light of how to live abundantly. It is not like how other people live: “Do not do as they do.”

Salt and light, blessings and love. This is our purpose; this our mission.


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