Make your face shine, and we will be saved.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Psalm 80

1 Kings 18:1-20

Matthew 9:27-38

Observance: Francis of Assisi, friar and preacher (d. 1226)

Make your face shine, and we will be saved.

When we consider God as the source of all good, we embark on an exercise too enormous for our minds to comprehend. The best we can try and do is imagine all the good things that could possibly come to us. But this still only touches the fringes of God’s goodness. Thinking on all the good things God gives us still only leaves us in the effect; how can we move to the cause?

Biblical authors have tried all sorts of images to try and communicate just how wonderful God is in His source-of-all-goodness. He is a shepherd; we are the sheep. He has raised up a Son of Man to be so strong for Himself to rule over us in love. He has transplanted a tender shoot and cared for it as the great Gardener of souls.

Yet still we humans try to look for the good things God does, instead of looking to God as the source of all good; as goodness made manifest; transcendent goodness.

If God had a face, it would be beautiful. If that face were to turn upon us in loving-kindness, we would experience good things. But if that face were to shine: now that would be getting us somewhere.

All God has to do is to make His face shine in order to save and restore us. Everything we could possibly imagine that would be good would be swept away as trivial. Goodness itself; the goodness of God, the goodness that is God, is so far higher than any of the good things He gives us (and He gives us plenty of those). We give glory to God, not merely for the good things He gives us, but for the awesome majesty that is goodness personified, the Lord Almighty.


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