Like a tree planted by streams of water.


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Psalms 1; 2

2 Kings 10:1-17

Matthew 19:1-15

Observance: All Saints

Like a tree planted by streams of water.

The tiniest seed of faith has been planted by the Great Gardener Himself. He brought that seed into existence by the Word of His power; and now He has found just the right spot. Carefully clearing away the undergrowth, a hole has been dug, deep in the earth. From that tiny seed grows the tree.

Sending its roots down deep into the soil, nurtured by constant meditation on the law of the Lord, the tree finds water – living water. The water of life sent forth by the Source of Life. Christ sends His life-giving stream to those who search for it, and it never runs dry. The tree grows bigger.

The tree itself does not need anything else – the law of the Lord and the life of Christ is enough. But it exists in an ecosystem, a world thriving with other life. And so fruit is brought forth in its season; fruit that is pleasing to the eyes of those who see it, and of exceeding good taste for those who receive it.

Others see the leaves which do not wither – leaves that provide the shade of protection. There is much that thrives in the shade of the tree, because of the protection that the tree provides.

Whatever is done by those who meditate on the law of the Lord is prosperous. It is a holy prosperity: the tree does not need anything so base as money. The prosperity of the tree is seen in the life it draws from the river of Christ, and of the fruit it bears and the leaves that never wither.

The life of the Christian disciple is a pastoral scene. The birds are singing, there is a gentle breeze rustling in the branches, and the flowing waters of a stream can be heard. The peace that passes all understanding is our protection, our hedge against wickedness and destruction. Meditating on the law of the Lord is our delight; our happy place. This delight that we find in our Lord is immovable, living and fruitful, like a tree planted by streams of water.


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