Let Israel rejoice in their maker.
Monday, October 30, 2023
Psalms 148; 149
2 Kings 9:1-16
Matthew 18:1-14
Let Israel rejoice in their maker.
We are to be like little children should we wish to even think about entering the kingdom of heaven: such is the teaching of our Maker, the Lord Jesus.
The Father has wrapped up all our presents and laid them out for us. Bursting with that uncontrollable excitement that only a little child can have, we jump out of bed at cock crow and race to the table. We can enjoy the self-inflicted anticipation of a slow unwrap, or we can rip off the wrapping as quickly as we can; either way, our Father is beaming with the pleasure of seeing His children happy.
Later in the day, we play with those gifts. Some of them might be a little advanced for children of such tender years as we; but our Father is there, helping us to get back off the bitumen, dust off our knees, giving us a bear hug (you know the one – the really good one that only our Father knows how to do) and sending us back into the playground.
Tired, a little bruised and dusty from our play time, but nonetheless panting with joyful exertion of a thoroughly used-up day, we tumble into bed, and our loving Father comes in to sit beside us and hear all about our day.
This is the prayer life of a Christian. This is the race we run. We are little children rejoicing in our King. Woe to those who would cause us to stumble indeed! For the rejoicing we make, of song, dancing, tambourine and lyre comes down from the angels in heaven who watch over us and back up again to our Father who made us.
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