If the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be?


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Psalm 135

2 Kings 6:24-7:2

Matthew 16:1-12

If the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be?

For all the misery that this world holds, there is a place with no misery at all. Here we shed tears; there, the tears are wiped away. Every day spent in this world is a day of scavenging, of labouring in the earth in the endless effort to bring forth its fruit; there, a river flows from the throne of the Eternal One, watering the tree of life which yields its own fruit.

In the city of Samaria, the curse is magnified. People are starving: a desperate, horrific situation. Even the king cannot hold himself upright; even the king is destitute. In an act of frustration – or, perhaps, madness – God is blamed, and His servant Elisha is marked out as His representative. In this moment, heaven is far away from earth, but whose fault is this?

The kingdom of heaven is near. The kingdom of heaven is here. The kingdom of heaven is within those of us who love the Lord Jesus.

The starving king, stalking his besieged city, bemoans God’s distance. His servants scoff at the idea that heaven could even have enough blessing to fix the situation. The Christian, on the other hand, walks through this world with heavenly footsteps.

When Jesus, on the cross, breathed His last, heaven opened: the windows were thrown open, the floodgates were opened, the curtain in the Temple was ripped open, and all who love the Lord Jesus were given a thorough dumping of all the blessings that fell out. Today we are seeing what happens when heaven breaks through. Tomorrow, the blessings that flow out from that victory will be unbelievable.


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