I will run my life with a sincere heart inside my own house.


Friday, October 13, 2023

Psalms 101; 102:1-11

1 Kings 22:29-53

Matthew 12:22-37

Observance: Edward the Confessor, king of England (d. 1066)

I will run my life with a sincere heart inside my own house.

Our bodies are marvellous things, all those organs pumping and vessels flowing, neurons sparking (and, unfortunately, joints aching). Such a wonder of creation, the temple of the Holy Spirit, protected from the elements just by a thin layer of skin. So too is the human soul encased within its home.

The philosopher might talk about the virtue of a man who is content with himself, who has no need from anything else, and so is free to enjoy all that fate gives him; but we are relational animals, and we need the comfort of fellow souls no matter how stern we try to force ourselves to be.

The samurai might speak of the virtue of self-denial, of ignoring one’s own interests for the sake of their daimyo, their lord. A forced disinterest for the sake of the benefit of another might protect the soul, but only for so long – because we humans are all wonderfully made as unique individuals, each bearing an aspect of the image of God that differs from every other image-bearer that ever was and ever will be.

And so we Christians are sitting in the house of our soul, wondering how to do it up. The thing about the real estate of the soul is that it is of unspeakable value; we have plenty of door-knockers trying to tell us how to live. David has decided that he will not let in any liars; no deceitful person can live in his house.

Instead, David is dancing through the house of his soul, singing of grace and justice. He is singing this song to the Lord. Where did he learn the words to this song? He learnt it from the Lord, of course! The Lord stands at the door and knocks; let Him in, and He will teach us that song of grace and justice, too.


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