As the musician played, the hand of Adonai fell on Elisha.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Psalm 107:1-22

2 Kings 3:4-37

Matthew 13:31-43

Observance: Luke, evangelist and martyr

As the musician played, the hand of Adonai fell on Elisha.

So much clatter surrounds the Christian disciple. We are walking through this spiritual battlefield, and the noise of war is ever-present. The panting of horses; the creak of leather; the clink of the harness; the mutter of soldiers by the crackle of the camp-fire. In the officers tent, heated discussion; beating of chests; pointing of fingers and fists slamming on tables covered with maps. Screens surround us, telling us that the world is burning; men are killing both each other and each other’s wives and children; our own children are revolting against justice and natural law – how on earth is the voice of God to be heard?

Elisha is fed up with these men playing God. He has a little time for Jehoshaphat, but none at all for Joram. What are their designs of war to him? Elisha is trying his level best to live according to what is right from the Lord’s point of view, a foreign concept to these rebellious kings. Yet in this war-camp, this gathering of men with slaughter on the mind facing their own imminent destruction, he senses the opportunity to carve out a space where even they might hear the voice of God.

This is what happens when we pray. This shroud of darkness, this vale of tears, is pulled back, dissipated: sin dissolves and the light of heaven breaks through. We carve out a place where God’s voice will be heard. The background hubbub of gossip, slander, hatred and spite is silenced. Evil mouths are stopped up, evil schemes are revealed and thwarted. When God speaks, heaven comes, blessings flow, and love covers over all.

Elisha employed the services of a musician – I suspect every Christian knows the potential power of the ministry of music. Here is a literal example of the silencing of evil. But even our silent prayers is our way of playing the music of heaven in a dark world. Carve out room for God’s voice to be heard – pray to the Lord Jesus – make music in heaven, and may the hand of the Lord be upon all of us.


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