Unless these men remain aboard the ship, you yourselves cannot be saved.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Psalm 34
1 Kings 8:54-66
Acts 27:22-33
Observance: Holy Cross
Unless these men remain aboard the ship, you yourselves cannot be saved.
Do we really live in a dog-eat-dog world? How far can we carry the law of the “survival of the fittest” until we run into so many exceptions that the rule is disproved altogether? How easily solved would so many of our problems be, should certain individuals be removed from our personal social equation? And yet even the basest instinct within ourselves is repulsed at the idea of leaving people behind.
When conflict arises and personalities clash, Jesus’ teachings to forgive and reconcile are not a divine law to be followed with grumbling. Because what if we were to simply cut certain people out of our lives? Would that solve anything? Or would there just be a wound in everyone’s soul where that relationship used to be?
The spiritual healing that comes from reconciled relationships is more than just the right thing to do. It is nothing less than the miracle of the cross. Lost as we were, the whole seething mass of humanity, rocked and buffeted by the storms of spiritual darkness, cutting ourselves off from each other – we were headed down the path to depression and oblivion. Then came Christ, showing us the way to life, and then going to the cross to end that storm, and rising to new life so that we might be actually able follow in the way that He showed us.
We must love each other. We must! Because to do otherwise would be to go back to the disaster and crisis in which Christ found us and from which He rescued us. Unless we stick together, leaving no-one behind, allowing for no “hard choices” – keeping everyone aboard the ship – then we cheapen the saving work of Christ. Every life is precious. No-one is to be left behind. Our Captain is taking us home; He will keep us safe.
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