The Mighty One, God, ADONAI, is speaking.


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Psalm 50

1 Kings 11:26-43

Matthew 5:27-42

Observance: Matthew, apostle, evangelist and martyr

The Mighty One, God, ADONAI, is speaking.

Consider all the things in this world that try to speak over the top of God. It is morning: your brain is telling you to think about what you have planned today. Your body is telling you that you really want to do that thing that you know you will regret. That screen in your pocket wants you to touch it. God? God is infinite; God will be there waiting. For now, I want to do that thing.

But of what worth are all those impulses? Why are they so seductive? How could the siren song of the quick fix ever possibly compare to the symphony of heaven that is being played out across the universe just for you?

“Listen, my people, I am speaking” says God. “Our God is coming and not staying silent. With a fire devouring ahead of Him and a great storm raging around Him, He calls to the heavens above and to the earth”. Solomon had his kingdom ripped out from under him for listening to other gods. Jesus is calling out for hearts to love Him. Can we see this consistent message from God? Are we listening?

God is calling for our attention. Let’s give it to Him.


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