Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Psalms 65; 70

1 Kings 13:20-34

Matthew 6:25-7:5

Observance: Lancelot Andrewes, bishop of Winchester (d. 1626)

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Two prophets; two men entrusted with the word of God. In former times, God spoke through the prophets. Who among us today could possibly understand what it is like for God to speak in such a way? In these later times, God has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. And for us living 2,000 years after the Incarnation, God speaks to us through His word: these pages of scripture.

When we handle these texts, it is the same as if God spoke to us to one of the prophets of old. It is the same God using the same voice. We are in no way sympathetic to a teacher of the word who lies about what God is saying in the Bible. How much more unforgivable is the crime of the old prophet, who lied to the one who prophesied against Jeroboam? Jealous to meet this man who had also heard God speak directly, the old prophet lied in order to get him in for dinner. When the old prophet sees that this new prophet has spoken truly, proven by his uneaten corpse lying next to the lion who killed him, the old prophet is filled with terror. When we open our Bibles, we are hearing God speak no less clearly than when He spoke to the prophets.

And what does God say to us? “Why be anxious?” The God who is clothed with power, who stills the roaring of the seas and the peoples’ turmoil, bends down to speak directly into each of our hearts, and He blesses peace to us. From God’s mouth to our ear, the words of Christ assure us that our tables are laden with a feast; that our clothing is more beautiful than that of Solomon’s. Don’t worry; don’t scheme; don’t judge: seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. God will give us everything else besides.


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