Nevertheless, Asa was wholehearted with the LORD throughout his life.


Friday, September 29, 2023

Psalm 69:1-16

1 Kings 15:9-24

Matthew 8:5-22

Observance: Michael and all angels

Nevertheless, Asa was wholehearted with the LORD throughout his life.

Perfection is impossible this side of the resurrection. But, if this life is lived in obedience and submission to the Holy Spirit, it is a life of movement towards that perfection. God is fashioning each one of His people into the perfect and spotless bride of Christ.

There are two dangers when considering our movement towards perfection; two extremes. One is to fall too far into worry. While we should never dissemble or cloak our sins before Almighty God, and to mourn over our sins brings our thinking into line with God’s way of thinking, to remain in that misery is a trap. Because once we have repented, and those sins have been covered by the blood of the Lamb, they are forgotten; dead; gone; never to be seen again. We mourn so that we may dance.

The other danger is to become too complacent with our improvement in holiness. We may have slain a few dragons in our life; dealt with some sins that were really hanging over us. When we destroy a sin that has been troubling us, there is that rush of joy, the flood that is the rejoicing in heaven. Sometimes, the memory of that feeling can carry us just a little too far. We can remember how good it was to win that battle, and not bother picking up the sword to go and kill the next dragon looming over us.

Asa had some victories in his spiritual warfare as king. There were some battles to which he didn’t show up. Some of the cultic places were destroyed, but others were left standing. Nevertheless, he was wholehearted with the Lord his whole life. Asa’s legacy is an encouragement to us. In some ways, we will be mighty and victorious, obeying the Holy Spirit, and allowing the power of Christ and His love to work miracles through and in us. Yet we will still get to the other side of this life and wish we had had more time, or a little more bravery, or a little more gumption. But this is the important thing: to remain wholehearted with the Lord our whole life.


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