But when Paul began to discuss the coming Judgement, Felix became frightened.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Psalm 18:1-31

1 Kings 3:16-28

Acts 24:10-27

Observance: Allen Gardiner, missionary, founder of the South American Mission Society (d. 1851)

But when Paul began to discuss the coming Judgement, Felix became frightened.

One thing is for certain: judgement is coming. This is something everyone knows. Christians may be more certain about some of the finer details, but every single human nonetheless contains within themselves the basics of right and wrong, and a conscience. Some may have done a very good job of denying to themselves their own conscience, while others may have successfully hardened their hearts against the possibility that there even is such a thing as right and wrong. But self-delusion does not prove a negative; therefore: judgement is coming, and everyone knows it.

What will we do when it comes? Everything that has been hidden will be revealed, and what was whispered will be shouted from the roof-tops. Will we call in vain for the mountains to hide us? Try to dig a hole deep enough to be able to hide from the living God?

Felix was right to be frightened when Paul got to this part of his gospel presentation. But in sending Paul away, Felix reveals to us the single greatest stumbling block people face to accepting Jesus as Lord. To face up to our own crimes is shameful. It is an excruciatingly embarrassing exercise. But it is the only way to be saved. Trusting Jesus in everything means trusting that He also will take away the shame we feel over our misdeeds. Rip the band-aid off. Jump into that cold water. You will find that the initial shock was only coming from your end. Because the Messiah Jesus brings only peace and love to those who turn to Him in faith.


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