Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Psalm 45

1 Kings 10:14-29

Matthew 4:23-5:12

Observance: Theodore of Tarsus, archbishop of Canterbury (d. 690)

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

C. S. Lewis, one of the greatest Anglican theologians, used to use the word Joy as if it were synonymous with Reality. That is, where we are currently living is but a shadow; certainly we are made of stuff, and can use our body to interact with other stuff. But it is not complete. When we get those glimpses of heaven – that overwhelming sense of joy, whether it be during a piece of sacred music, or quiet time out in the bush – we are experiencing true reality.

We can think of it this way, if it helps: the kingdom of this world is almost like vapour; while there is some sense of something here, it is wispy and transparent. The kingdom of heaven, by contrast, is really solid ground, really firmly rooted trees, really cheerful bird song, really vibrant colours – and that is only the material side of things. The spiritual aspect is such joy as we have never known: those glimpses, or drops from a tap, become a rushing stream, a natural way of being.

We cannot get into the kingdom of heaven with the same attitude as the Pharaohs of old. They would lock themselves up in their tombs, carefully wrap up their most important body parts, stash enough money for the trip, and maybe even throw in a few of their best servants for good measure. But Jesus tells us that we must be poor of spirit to get into the kingdom of heaven. Isaiah told us that the One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy, who dwells in the high and holy place is with the person who is of a contrite and humble spirit. (Is 57:15) The kind of person who thinks this world is good enough for them gets what they want. But the one who is poor in spirit, who asks God for the wonders of heaven: to them are the gates opened, and the kingdom given.


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