They eagerly welcomed the message, and examined the scriptures every day to see whether these things were so.


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Psalm 106:1-24

2 Samuel 19:8b-23

Acts 17:1-14

They eagerly welcomed the message, and examined the scriptures every day to see whether these things were so.

Common sense is a wonderful tool. It keeps us from being run over when we cross the street; it makes sure we only eat fresh food. When it gets a little more dangerous is when it crosses into the realms of politics and religion. For example, common sense would dictate that children should be supervised near the backyard pool. However due to the high number of tragedies that have occurred in Australian homes, we now require that all pools be fenced by law. This is an example of a higher, transcendent moral standard that comes from outside: that we all bear responsibility for each other’s safety.

An example of this moral standard coming from outside, from on high, is in Deuteronomy 22:8, where God gives us a law concerning home building standards: since people liked to have parties on their roofs, you must fence your roof, otherwise you might have bloodguilt on your house, if anyone should fall from it.

Common sense must also be guided by God’s external moral standard when we consider issues of our faith. For example: common sense would claim that God’s existence as Triune, that is, one Being existing in three Persons, is impossible. And yet, without that clear teaching from the Bible, the incarnation of Jesus as the Word of God made flesh dying on the cross for our sins would be not only pointless, but useless.

So when we come to our own faith, and want to understand matters concerning the nature of God and discover the assurance of our salvation, we must test everything we are taught against the Bible. Just as the people Paul spoke to in Berea listened to his teaching and then checked for proof in the Bible, so too must we. Particularly in this modern age, where any donkey with an internet connection can post their reflections online. Go on, check your Bible: if I have written anything contrary to what you read there, you can safely ignore it. The scriptures will say whether a thing is so.


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