I went; and as soon as I had washed, I could see.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Psalm 77

2 Samuel 11:22-12:15a

John 9:1-17

Observance: Germanus, bishop (d. 448)

I went; and as soon as I had washed, I could see.

One of the greatest films about aliens invading the planet Earth has to be They Live. The aliens have already successfully managed to take over human society, but they disguise themselves in plain sight. Only when the main character discovers some special sunglasses that see through the disguise is the game up, and human liberation can begin. What makes the film so special is that it exposes the myth of neutrality. There is no such thing as a neutral, middle ground. If we decide to turn off our brain and simply go with the flow, then we might as well be under the influence and control of the little green men from Mars. It is only when we put on the special sunglasses; that is, look at the world thoughtfully from a point of view we have been convinced is true, then we can really see things for what they are.

Such is seeing the world from a Christian point of view. The Lord Jesus is the light that is come into the world, and He has come to those whom He was sent, and has washed our eyes clean. There are plenty of voices in our lives who would like to convince us to see things from their point of view, but we can see clearly, and stay true to our Saviour.

The natural world is now seen as creation. Suffering becomes trials. Relationships are eternal and now have infinite value.

Most importantly, death is not the end. Just as Jesus washed our eyes and made us to see clearly, our souls have been washed clean in His blood. We are considered righteous in the eyes of God and all heaven. There is no more condemnation, for there is no longer any sin: our robes are spotless, washed in the blood of the Lamb. The Lord came, washed us clean, and now we see.


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