No one spoke about Jesus openly.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Psalms 62; 63

2 Samuel 4:1-5:5

John 7:1-13

Observance: James, apostle and martyr

No one spoke about Jesus openly.

It seems to be a frequent call from the pulpit: if we are having trouble evangelising our family and friends with words, then we should live out the gospel and draw them in that way. We all know the quote misattributed to St Francis of Assisi: “preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words”. But isn’t that, in some ways, even harder? We know ourselves better than anyone. Who would want to follow someone like me as an example?

The confidence to speak about Jesus openly seems trapped down the wedge where the rock has rolled up against the hard place. We can try and speak in our actions, but so often they fall short. Or we could speak about Jesus with words; but then we look at our example and think we have no right to talk about Him.

But what words of Jesus have been spoken to you that made you fall in love with Him? Whatever life you have led, your saving faith is a work of the Holy Spirit, and is that precious treasure that is held just between you and God.

If we want to know where to find the confidence to speak openly about Jesus, we need to ask Jesus. Sit and listen to what He has to say; hear those words of love and forgiveness that are just for you. Those are the words that inspired past saints like James to be an apostle and a martyr. They are the same words for today, as well.


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