It is through many persecutions that we must enter the kingdom of God.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Psalms 15; 16

1 Samuel 23:1-18

Acts 14:19-28

It is through many persecutions that we must enter the kingdom of God.

If we were to do a comparison between how the Church spoke of itself and its mission now and a hundred-some years ago, something that would come up is how we don’t tend to use militaristic language anymore. Even in a single generation we find that Sunday School children no longer sing about standing up for Jesus as “soldiers of the cross”. If we are soldiers, we are spiritual soldiers, and our weapons are peace and love; the move away from the theme of warfare in our language is well-meaning, for sure. But we may have also lost something in the move, because there is something encouraging about the image of the stoic soldier standing watch in miserable conditions, unwaveringly loyal and firm in their duty, when we apply it to ourselves in our struggles against the flesh, the world, and the devil.

Paul and Barnabas returned to the churches they planted to encourage them, and to ordain ministers to shepherd them. These new churches were not suffering from “gentle” concerns like disagreements over tertiary theological issues: the core of Paul and Barnabas’ encouragement was that “it is through many persecutions that we must enter the kingdom of God”. They had it tough. If we have it tough today, then we know we must be doing something right.

This encouragement is in three parts. Let’s work backwards. Firstly, the objective of our perseverance: the kingdom of God. There are plenty of kingdoms here on earth, some better than others, but to live in any of them requires us to compromise on something. God’s kingdom is instead a beautiful and perfect kingdom, where righteousness and peace kiss. This is the home towards which we are travelling. Second, there are many persecutions on the way. God’s kingdom is perfect, but perfection has enemies. Stand firm; we would not be told to do so if God was not giving us the grace necessary to be able to do it. Finally, that wonderful word, “through”. Persecutions are not the norm. Spiritual attacks are temporary. God is bringing us through the valley of death and leading us out onto the plains of peace. We are all heading home to God’s kingdom; it will not be easy, but the troubles will soon pass, and we will all get there safe and sound.


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