They rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer dishonour for the sake of the name.


Friday, June 9, 2023

Psalm 89:39-53

1 Samuel 3:1-4:1a

Acts 5:27-42

Observance: Columba of Iona, abbot and missionary (d. 597)

They rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer dishonour for the sake of the name.

A few years ago, when Donald Trump was the President of the United States, there was a bit of an outcry from some old punk rockers when John Lydon of the Sex Pistols was seen wearing some Donald Trump merchandise. The fans were confused; they thought being alternative was to be politically progressive, but the rock legend was making the point that to be alternative was to transcend politics altogether, and to be punk was to make as many people upset as possible.

Being a Christian in a society like ours presents similar possible problems. We are not different simply for the sake of being different. If we suffer dishonour for the sake of the name of Jesus, it is not about the people who dishonour us. Rather, we are always keeping our eyes looking up, and rejoicing that the dishonour we share with Jesus means that we also share the honour He receives as God.

This is a particular danger among young Christian men on the internet. Words can be thrown around digitally without concern for the people who read them. And there is a very real pressure in places like our work environments to bend the knee to the enemy. Combine these and you have the real risk of tribalism spilling out into violence. (Not necessarily physical violence, but there is a lot of self-inflicted spiritual violence.)

Our guiding principal must always come back to the Lord Jesus. When Stephen was martyred, his eyes looked to heaven. When the apostles were flogged for speaking the truth of God, they rejoiced because of the name of Jesus. He is our fountain of living water, spilling out endless grace onto us in continual refreshment. If and when our love for Jesus results in dishonour in this world, our joy remains pure, because it is focused on Jesus.


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