Surely, to obey is better than sacrifice.


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Psalms 114; 115

1 Samuel 15:17-35

Acts 10:1-16

Surely, to obey is better than sacrifice.

The Christian life is not easy; but it does not have to be difficult.

In light of the revelation of Jesus, fasting is not self-inflicted punishment, but a gift from God to help us get closer to Him. All foods have been made clean, as Peter has been told: the Lord made the earth and everything in it, blessed it, called it good, and gave it to us to enjoy. “Be fruitful and multiply” is the oft-repeated commandment of the Old Testament, a forceful reminder from God that His objective in making this universe is to grow His family, of which we are a central part. Jesus’ new commandment to love one another just as He loves us puts the personal touch on that ancient message, and teaches us that intimacy with each other and God is the ultimate aim.

As a child, I was told to do what my mother asked “because she loves me, and I love her”. Perhaps my father didn’t want to have to get out the wooden spoon; but it is how we are with God all the same. God does not wish the death of anyone, but would rather we all turn from our sins, and live. Obeying God is what we do because God loves us, and we love God.

Mourning over our sins is good; we should weep when we break God’s heart. But God wants us back home, and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins, so that our weeping can be turned into songs of joy. In God, all things He has made are holy, and God wants us to enjoy it all as a celebration of His goodness towards us and our thankfulness towards Him.


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