Now Saul committed a very rash act that day.


Friday, June 16, 2023

Psalm 105:1-22

1 Samuel 14:16-35

Acts 9:10-19a

Now Saul committed a very rash act that day.

The freedom we have in Christ is a security to be reckless. A recklessness to behave in the manner that our loving Father would have us behave; recklessly loving, recklessly holy. It is not, as St Paul would teach, a freedom to sin.

Jesus spoke about being as innocent as doves and shrewd as serpents. When it comes to the knowledge of doing evil, we are to be amateurs, and when doing good, masters of our craft. The reason Jesus needed to teach this to us is because it goes against our natural inclination; we need to be taught, because otherwise we would not do so.

Annanias knew to stay away from the Saul of the New Testament; in order to be an innocent dove in his walk of discipleship, he needed to be the shrewd snake and keep out of trouble. But God told him to go and help the future apostle to the Gentiles, and Annanias trusted God’s word, and so now you and I are followers of Jesus.

The old king Saul, however, was different. Contrasted with yesterday’s story of his son Jonathon, we see two different attitudes towards the providence of God. Jonathon was a go-getter, someone who trusted that God was in control and that God’s plan was for good, and all he had to do was be faithful. Saul, however, in trying to manipulate his future, made this rash oath and unwittingly endangered his own soldiers in the eyes of God.

Love our Lord and love our neighbour recklessly: but we are to keep away from making rash oaths. There is no need to try and manipulate the outcome, because God has it under control already, and His plan is for good things for all who love Him.


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