Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Psalms 110; 111
Exodus 16:1-21
Luke 24:1-12
Those who gathered much had nothing over, and those who gathered little had no shortage; they gathered as much as each of them needed.
Earlier this year we spent some time in Jesus’ teaching on the plain as recorded in the gospel of Luke. Jesus was being explicit when He taught us that we never need to fear the threat of want, because our Father in heaven knows exactly what we need, and are we not worth more than a sparrow?
Is Christ not simply repeating what the scriptures have taught us since the very first pages? When the Israelites were hungry, God gave them manna from heaven to eat. This mystical substance escapes comparison. Even the name defies definition: the question “man hu?” in verse 15 becomes the proper noun manna in verse 31. It is not the same grain that convinces mum to buy Tip Top bread. This stuff is something truly special.
No wonder, then, that Christ describes Himself as the bread of heaven. He is enough: whether you need a little or plenty, you will never be in want. Feast on Him. He is the reason you wake up in the morning, and bedside companion seeing you gently off to sleep. You may be as greedy for Christ as you like. He condescended to veil His glory for a time and dwell among us. The last thing He did before He died was to wash the feet of His friends. His one great mission on earth was to die in our place so that we could be with Him forever. Never be in doubt that Christ’s heart beats for you.
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