Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Psalm 112

Exodus 12:21-36

John 20:19-31

Observance: Tuesday in Easter Week

For the righteous will never be moved; they will be remembered forever.

It can get quite tough being a Christian in this world. For one, if there is any aspect about our faith that non-Christians seem fine with, that agreement is only ever fleeting – as cultures and societies shift, so too do their values, and so what seemed common sense ten years ago is now considered blasphemous by the mainstream. Give it another ten years, and the pendulum will probably swing back again, but something else we hold on to as eternal truth will, in turn, be up for grabs.

Another thing that makes the life of a pilgrim tough is the daily effort to keep that chip off our shoulder. Sinners go out and make lots of money at the expense of others, and live quite comfortably – yet God has called us to a particular place and given us a particular job to do which seems only to take from us, leaving us with nothing in return.

But there is one thing the Christian has over the unbeliever. Take my home, my belongings, what remaining health I still have left: I will always have the Lord Jesus and His precious blood.

Today’s readings remind us of vindication and reward. The Israelites are finally freed from slavery, and get to take the riches of Egypt out with them. The disciples, huddled in fear in a locked room get their Master back, and the Holy Spirit is breathed on them. Vindication followed by reward is what we can expect if we trust and obey our good God.

This Psalm contains some very deep wisdom. This is eternal vindication and reward: that those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God receive life in His name.


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