Thursday, April 6, 2023


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Psalm 55

Exodus 24:1-11

John 17

Observance: Maundy Thursday

And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

All that happens over the next four days was prepared before the foundation of the world. The betrayal of Christ by one closest to Him; His suffering under both the Jews and the Gentiles; His agonising death and His glorious resurrection: all happens exactly as planned.

Blood runs through it all. At the foot of the holy mountain, all must wait. Only one may ascend and speak intimately with God – Moses – but not before blood is spilt and splashed all around. Such is the price that must be paid to have sin dealt with. Such is the great chasm between sinful humanity and our holy God.

Into that great pit of despair went Christ, giving Himself and His blood as that price. The eternal death that is the just reward for our evil was suffered by Christ, not ourselves, all out of the great love with which God loves us.

Because Christ knows better than anyone that the reward He earned for us is worth it. Life eternal, which is to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ, who died for us.


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