Thursday, April 13, 2023


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Psalm 116

Exodus 13:1-16

John 21:1-15

Observance: Thursday in Easter Week

I love the LORD, because He has heard my voice and my supplication.

There is such a thing as too much humility. When we approach our thrice-holy God, we are always mindful of the fact that the angels singing by the throne are covering their eyes, their hands, and their feet in respect and deference. But at the same time, we remember that Christ came as a human to save humans, and so while our intimacy with God is a great honour (as it is with any creature who would dare approach our Creator), God has asked us to come forth. It is only right that we should respond to God’s gift-giving by accepting the gift.

There is a certain prayer practice that you should try, and you might find it confronting at first. When you are in your prayer closet with your eyes closed, envision yourself actually physically sitting beside the Lord Jesus. Then, when you are speaking with Him, actually look up into His eyes. Don’t just stare at the ground, toeing the dirt, feigning humility. When you speak to our Lord, remember, He is listening: look Him in the eye.

Humility is a good and proper posture to have before God. But the victory of Easter has drawn us so tightly close to God that our relationship has been healed and we can, once again, speak face to face. Stand still, square you shoulders, don’t mumble, look up – because you love the Lord, and He loves you, and He is listening to you.


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