Saturday, April 15, 2023


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Psalm 136:1-12

Exodus 14:15-30

Mark 16:9-20

Observance: Saturday in Easter Week

O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.

“Sustainability” has been a buzzword for such a long time now that it seems to have lost all meaning. Or, if it does have meaning, the concept is applied in places where it absolutely shouldn’t.

In certain places and at certain times, God decides to move His Holy Spirit. His Word is preached and His children hear His voice. Seeds are planted, buds develop stalks, and sheaves drop heads of grain. Then the Spirit moves somewhere else, and people spend the next hundred years writing books about how your local church can bring about revival, too.

Whatever God has given us here and now is exactly what He wants us to work with. Saints will be built up if we listen to His instructions wherever we are. But there is no such thing as a sustainable church model; at least not anything further than to trust and obey the Lord.

The world outside is chugging along, doing its own thing. Governments are coming and going; societies are morphing, and cultural norms are blowing about like dead grass clippings. In, under, and above it all, there is one constant, one thing that is truly “sustainable”: the steadfast love of the Lord.


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