Monday, April 24, 2023


Monday, April 24, 2023

Psalms 130; 131; 133

Exodus 19:1-15

John 9:1-12

Is this not the man who used to sit and beg?”

If God is the ultimate source of all good, what misery it must be to be cut off from Him. Sitting on the side of a busy footpath, always hearing about but never seeing or joining in on the fun. Worse still is the fact that we do this to ourselves: thinking ourselves wise, we have become fools, and having been placed on a branch on top of the tall tree, we take out the chainsaw and chop off the very thing that holds us in place.

The blind man begging for scraps off the very people hostile to Jesus is almost poetic in its sad irony. There is nothing for him here except temporary relief – no, not relief – just something to dull the senses to try and help them all forget about the fact that they are hiding from the One that would save them.

Praise be to the man of action that is Jesus! He marches straight in to the problem and announces that all this is so that the glory of God would be revealed. What a way to see the world’s problems: as opportunities to pray that God would reveal His glory in the triumph of good over evil.


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