Monday, April 17, 2023


Monday, April 17, 2023

Psalm 106:1-24

Exodus 15:1-18

Matthew 28:1-10

The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is His name.”

The LORD has many names. He is our Provider. He is our Advocate. He is our Helper. Jesus showed us that He is also our Brother and our Friend.

But what about when the enemy approaches? Not a human enemy; not the type of enemy that humans invent out of thin air when nation decides to fight against nation over land and resources. But an alien enemy, the type of enemy that comes from the realm of the supernatural. The type of enemy that seeks only to rebel against God’s goodness, and bring as many of us down with them. “We are legion” said the demon to Jesus, and it is hard for the imagination not to run away and start thinking about big battle-scenes from The Lord of The Rings movies.

We need a Warrior. We need a strong man to rise above the rest of us, to brandish the weapons of war and ride out into battle on our behalf. The enemy is in rebellion; He fought with obedience. The enemy threatens us with death; He went into the place of the dead and destroyed death altogether. They thrust with lies, He counters with truth. They slash with hate and His riposte is love. He is our Captain, our Hero, our Saviour.

The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His name.


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