Monday, April 10, 2023


Monday, April 10, 2023

Psalm 2

Exodus 12:1-20

John 20:1-18

Observance: Monday in Easter Week

I am ascending to my Father and your Father.”

From eternity past, God has existed: three Persons, one Being; the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Spirit. In perfect love and union stretching back an infinity before the creation of the universe, they were swept up with each other in what C. S. Lewis described as the “divine dance”. To try and comprehend the magnitude and glory of such a thing is too much for our feeble human minds.

The entry of humans on the scene was an expression of this complete love. When the Psalmist writes that “He who sits in the heavens laughs”, he is capturing perfectly how ridiculous an idea it is that we humans could possibly rebel against the power of God’s infinite love with our little rebellion.

It is interesting to note that, while all through the books of the Bible that were written before Christ’s incarnation, God is a close and loving presence, there is still a degree of separation between Him and humanity.

When Christ rises from the grave and tells Mary Magdalene that He is ascending to His Father and her Father, there is no more separation of any kind. That divine dance between the Persons of God has opened up completely to all who would take Christ’s hand. God the Father is no longer “the” Father, but my Father. His wrath at the evil I have committed has passed over, because I took shelter under the blood of His Son, and now I no longer have to fear Him. Rise from your trembling, Christian. Christ is leading you home.


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