Friday, April 28, 2023


Friday, April 28, 2023

Psalms 143; 146

Exodus 23:4-17

John 10:19-30

I and the Father are one.”

The relationship of the Trinity is as dense as it is beautiful. One cannot but help wonder why God chose to reveal this aspect of Himself to us in the first place – at first sniff, it seems like it should defy logic; and looking at the swathe of Christian-adjacent religions which deny the Trinity, one cannot help but feel a twinge of pity.

But just as Christ told the Jews under Solomon’s colonnade that He has given enough proof that He is the Messiah, so too do we have enough in the pages of scripture that incontrovertibly demonstrate that there is one God, and that three distinct Persons each hold the unique attributes that can only be ascribed to that one God.

But that still doesn’t get us to why God revealed this about Himself in the first place. Why does God being Triune matter so much?

Christ’s words this morning do not supply us with a doctrinal proof text on the Trinity. Rather, He is emphasising the unity of intention between Him and His Father – the intention to hold tight those whom He will save.

Are you worried you are drifting? Are you worried you aren’t good enough? Are you worried that this work of salvation begun in you by the Holy Spirit might not be brought to completion? Banish those doubts as attacks from the enemy, for the Son loses none that the Father gives Him. They are totally agreed on this point: to hold you tight forever. On this point, they are agreed – they are One.


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