Friday, April 14, 2023


Friday, April 14, 2023

Psalm 118:1-18

Exodus 13:17-14:14

Mark 16:1-8

Observance: Friday in Easter Week

The LORD will fight for you, and you only have to keep still.”

How did you go reading the Psalm for this morning? If you were distracted, or just skimmed over it so that you could get this devotional done before you started that job you were going to do today, stop and go back over it.

It’s almost like the air is thick from the resurrection. The bird songs are sweeter. The suns warmth is now gentle as opposed to oppressive. And when we pick up our Bibles and read a Psalm like this, we feel bullet-proof. Was your heart not burning within you, reading again the history of God’s guidance and protection over the Israelites in the wilderness?

The tomb is empty; Christ is not there anymore, He is risen, and has gone ahead of us. He is leading the way in the pillar of cloud, and His Holy Spirit is a roaring fire guiding us through the darkness.

What is left, but to sing songs of victory, and tell everyone we meet about the wonderful things He has done?


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