Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Psalm 137

Exodus 20:18-21:6

John 9:24-41

Observance: Mark, evangelist and martyr

I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out a free person.”

When Jonathan Edwards first began preaching, his words were so powerful that they are believed to have helped kick off the nation-wide revival now known as “The First Great Awakening”. The title of his sermon? “Sinners in the hands of an angry God”. By the end of his career, which spanned revivals, missionary work, and some of the modern era’s most influential theological works, his sole purpose was to spend as much time as possible admiring the beauty of God. This progression from the stick to the carrot, so vivid in one individual, is repeated time and again in the church, both in institutions and individuals. It raises the question: do we truly love God for who God is? Or do we stay by God’s side simply because we are terrified of the alternative?

Being an ancient Hebrew slave wasn’t the same as being a chattel slave on an American cotton farm, or a South Pacific Islander blackbirded onto a sugar cane field in Queensland. But it wasn’t anything like modern-day wage slavery, either. It was an unwilling occupation; a job forced onto someone through circumstance, such as poverty, debt or crime. God, to make sure no-one got carried away with the excitement of owning another human, commanded Hebrew society to allow such people to only live in such a way for a maximum of six years. But sometimes, the slave would find their life so vastly improved that they would prefer to join the family they served, permanently.

Why do we Christians choose to stay in God’s family? Why go through the motions of waking up early every Sunday morning and going to church? Why go through the spiritual labour of sanctification every day? Are we scared about what will happen if we leave the household of God? Our heavenly Father bought us at a very high cost; the cost of the blood of His only beloved Son. God seems to think we are worth it; but nonetheless, there is the door, if you want it. As for me, I love my Master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out a free person.


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