Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Psalm 71

Exodus 7:25-8:19

Luke 20:19-26

You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again.

The Psalmist is crying out against “enemies”. These are enemies not just of the Psalmist, but of God: they accuse the author of being forsaken by God. In their hubris and arrogance, they presume to think that God would ever forsake one whom He loves.

Sometimes, it is not just about us. God works through all people and all of creation. Sometimes there may be other people who need to be ashamed of their enmity towards God; who need to be put to shame and consumed. Sometimes God may decide it is one of us who is to be the vehicle of their humility; but it never means we are the ones who are forsaken. Sometimes we need a bit of humbling, but, once again: God always revives us from the depths of the earth.

This narrow path of discipleship we walk is not easy. God makes us see many troubles and calamities along the way. But would it be any different if we went through life taking the easy option? This way, we know: God will increase our honour; God will comfort us again and again and again.


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