Thursday, March 9, 2023


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Psalm 22:1-22

Genesis 44:18-34

Luke 13:10-21

Observance: Sister Emma SSA, superior of the Society of the Sacred Advent, Queensland (d. 1939)

For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Shall we take this familiar quote from Jesus and apply it to ourselves? Is the true depth of the words of our Lord in this passage simply in a wise teaching; a true-ism we should be trying to appropriate? I’m certain we all have heard sermons along those lines.

Let us instead look to see how this statement actually reveals the glory of Jesus Christ, beginning with the portion of Psalm 22 we have been given. This Psalm is a direct prophecy about Jesus’ crucifixion: that much is obvious simply from reading about how His clothes have been gambled for (and this is why Jesus quoted the first verse when He hung on the cross). But note the curious line about “bulls of Bashan”. When Jesus was crucified, not only were humans gloating over His apparent defeat, but so were the forces of spiritual darkness. The bulls of Bashan were some of the lesser deities who, after having been given care over different nations on earth, later rebelled against God, following that first rebel, Satan. (Remember the golden calf in Exodus? Or Baal, represented by a cow or bull?)

Earthly authorities thought that they had sorted out the Jesus “problem” by nailing Him to a cross. His spiritual enemies thought they had finally usurped the Lord God Almighty by sending Him to the place of the dead.

In this one sentence, Jesus is telling His listeners how the battle between good and evil will turn out: the rebels, spiritual and material, who reject God’s authority and exalt themselves in God’s place, will be humbled. The only begotten Son, the Word made flesh has – by humbling Himself in the incarnation and then on the cross – been exalted.

With all this in mind, let’s follow the footsteps of our Master, who for our sake, humbled Himself unto death – even death on a cross; and how humbling ourselves for the sake of God’s interests and opinions is how we can bring Him more glory.


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